Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Transcendence Trailer - Research and Essay

  • Starts off in a typical fashion with a conference/lecture with a main character explaining the work this follows through into a voice over 

  • Flowing landscape shots used to show beauty of the world - not possible for me, this is a big blockbuster 
  • The music starts off in a familiar way with a classical soft piece, meant to inspire. As act two begins the music gets louder and louder and then cuts out, for the gun shot to be the only thing you hear. Act two's music is a fast paced beat, a heart rate monitor can be heard in the background, as the trailer goes into the third act  the music again cuts out for the flatline sound to be hear - striking. Then computerized booms take place and a faster paced beat, builds suspense
  • Act 1 - Shows the technology and reason for the conflict in the film
  • Act 2 - Shows the conflict and the fall out of said conflict, sets up the villain
  • Act 3 - Shows the harm caused from the villain
  • Production company at the start and directors name in the middle, title at the end, standard format however no actors name shown. 
  • The font of the title are computer like - formed from binary 
  • Slow paced editing at the start, picks up as towards the end of act 2 and the montage is shown
  • Lot of different locations shown, with a variety of colour schemes which makes the film far more visually interesting- not possible due to budget
  • Set in futuristic present day - like most sci-fi films
  • There is a montage in the second and third act to show the action 

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