Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Ex Machina Trailer - Research and Essay

  • Feeling of isolation and beauty used through an establishing shot which shows the beauty of nature. These shots are used to comment on human interaction and advancements which ruin an over wise beautiful world. 
  • Voice over is used throughout, introduces a central character and offers a chance to enter into his mind set. Often changes what is being said by using different shots under the voice
  • At the start of the trailer, a lot of long mid shots are used along with close ups of the charcters. This is done to enhance the mystery and intrigue of the situation
  • The music slowly builds as the viewer expects the action to be shown, as act 2 of the trailer starts, the music stops
  • The music then changes to a harmonious piece which again builds on the intrigue and beauty of the AI
  • In the third act the music begins pulsing faster, sounds similar to a heart-beat which is getting faster and faster
  • The dialogue is twisted in the third act and everything that is said has a double-meaning, which the viewer now picks up on
  • Reflection a central trope to sci-fi it is used to show two sides to the characters, used throughout the trailer 
  • The glass also acts as a barrier between two people, symbolising the life that the can't have together 

  • The trailer starts off with slow paced editing and then builds as the trailers turns into the final act, with the centre narrative of the film is shown, at this point the music turns creepier and the editing speeds becomes faster
  • In the third act the film looks as if it becomes more of a psychological thriller/horror rather than science fiction with twisted colour, the fast editing style and shots which are shot under red light, which creates a sense of danger. As these shots become faster and faster a load buzzing sound is used and then the screen cuts to black 

  • Several sound booms are used to emphasise the danger of the situation
  • Film studio shown at the start of the final act of the trailer in order to break it up along with the director
  • At the end the screen cuts to black and voice over is used with one line being spoken, the screen then cuts back to the action along with a loud sound boom and an action shot which shows the excitement to be had in the film
  • The trope of female sexuality is central to sci-fi as it's a male dominated genre and therefore the male gaze is commonly used throughout. This trailer adheres to this but incorporates the theme of sexuality and lust into the plot in order to comment on this 
  • This trailer adheres to several conventions of sci-fi namely the aspect of beauty and human destruction along with female sexuality. 

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