As our film has got two female protagonists, films that have influenced us for our characters are Alien or Hunger Games, because they have both got strong female leads. In Alien, Sigourney Weaver's Ripley, and in the Hunger Games, Katniss played by Jennifer Lawrence, are both influential and strong in their respective stories which also has made them such iconic characters. We want our protagonists to be like this as our film presents them with the challenging task of saving the world from technological collapse.
Girl A
This girl is from a parallel universe and has been sent back into this one to enlist the help of the other girl in order to save both worlds. As she is from a parallel universe she is trying to blend in to our society. We are going to take inspiration from both the costume and acting style of Evanna Lynch, who was Luna Lovegood in the 'Harry Potter' franchise. We are hoping to use fairly normal clothing but using bright or out of place colours and accessories to show the fact that she isn't from this world.

This outfit is a little too much (in particular the glasses) but this is the general feeling and style we want to aim for with the strangeness of the look. From what we can tell, this feeling comes from the contrast of the two predominant colours (blue and pink), which clash together. This should be easily achievable, though I feel like we should use more earthly colours which makes sense as it would look better on camera and also she is trying to appear as normal as possible. As we are also trying to play with colour in our opening, having her stand out with out of the ordinary colours would make it easier for us to highlight her in the scenes and enhance those colours as we planned.

This outfit is very similar to the style we want to produce. Not only does the sweater match the wintery setting of our film, but also is more functional. The striped socks and slight patterning on the trousers are again the parts that highlight the character's individualism and also shows that is out of the ordinary. This costumes is also great, as it combines the features of the last costume, the clashing colours (green and red) with the more earthly colour scheme that we were aiming for.

This is Diana and mine favourite pictures out of all of them, mainly because she is not just posing as herself rather than playing the character which makes it feel less staged. Also the girl we have chosen to play girl A wears predominately clothes of this style, which suit the character rather well. Of course we will have to add some extra accessories or another part to the costumes which creates the sense of strangeness around her, but overall I feel this is a good template to follow on from.
Girl B
At first we both didn't have much of an idea for a style for the girl living on the street, and instead we have focused on gathering certain visual cues that should help the audience in understanding this character. It will be impossible to give the costume, the wear and tear feel that professional studios are able to achieve but nevertheless we will be able to do it on a very basic level for example crumple her clothes to show that she's ben living in them for a long time.

One idea is of course, khaki or army patterns of any kind. They would have to be layered under a good winter coat (maybe waterproof), but am army jacket or trousers would give the character the right sort of edge and sense of toughness and ability to deal with the combat and difficulties ahead. However I also feel like, the army coat can be seen as very cliche and overused.

Another image that most people expect of people living on the street is the bean-hoddie combination. Not only is it practical for the cold weather, but also keeps her more anonymous - just another face in a crowd of people, meaning that when we want to show her escaping the other girl and cornering her, this look could be better for. This look is also very useful as it gives the impression that this character ought to be unremarkable but yet somehow she is chosen to save the planet.

After looking at some of our film influences we also saw that a perfect model for this character would be the boy from 'The Road', which we are using as one of our influences for the colour scheme. Not only does he wear many layers, which give him the study, study rough look that we are aiming for but also his clothes show signs of dirt and wear that you would expect someone living on the street would have. Also he is caring a backpack of some kind, which would obviously be a necessity for a homeless person and something we should implement to give our film a sense of realism.

To further these ideas shown above, we should use a combination of ripped jeans and a flannel underneath the hod die and coat to also further the urban feel, that this character should be showing. Similarly the ripped jeans are fairly easy to come by and we help to illustrate the fact that she's had the clothes for a long time and they've been through a lot.
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