Saturday, 31 October 2015

Final Actor - Mr White - Sam Edgcumbe

We have decided to cast Sam as our older character, Mr White. This is due to him looking the oldest out of all of our potential actors


Final Actor - Mr Pink - Robbie Whyte

We have decided to cast Robbie in the role of Mr Pink, the main character.


Final Actor - Mr Blonde - Charlie Fox

We have decided to cast Charlie Fox as our final actor to play Mr Blonde. He looks older than others (for his age), meaning we can cast him for this role. He is aged 17, around 5ft8.


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Monday, 26 October 2015

Actress - Eliza Teale

For the main girl in our film we wanted a strong actress, this is due to this role perhaps being the hardest to play because of the range of emotions the actress would have to show. The person who immediately came to mind was Eliza, she is in a year at school and friendly with all three of us. She is also an aspiring actress who has played key roles in many different school productions, therefore meaning she could easily pull of this character.


Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Characters which we need

We have decided to not use the character of the police detective as it would confuse our trailer narrative as we wouldn't be able to include any information as to who he is.

This means that the only characters that we need actors for are (as we currently don't have a name for the characters we are referring to them via certain colours):

  • The girl
  • The main character - Mr Pink
  • The older character - Mr White
  • The crazy character - Mr Blonde
The next step is to find actors to play these parts


Problem with the ages of our characters

A huge problem we face is due to our inability to find an older actor to play our characters, who are meant to be late 20s-early 30s. This means we will have to find someone who is our age but looks older. This is slightly frustrating as it may lower the quality of our trailer. In order for our actor to look older, the actors being tall and also having a beard could be extremely helpful.

We may also need to lower the age of our characters to try and make it more realistic however we don't want to make the ages too low as then the narrative of our film wouldn't make sense.


Recee for using the flashlights


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Monday, 19 October 2015

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Location Recce - The Woods 2

I conducted a recce at our woods location, Sydenham Hill Woods, and scouted possible locations for our scenes in a woodland area. The woods had a great diversity of scenery and landscapes which will give us huge diversity when filming with the convenience of being in one location.

Through the entrance of Crescent Lane I found a possible location of the Upper Sydenham Railway tunnel. This originally was a station that closed in the late 1950's and has since been left and taken over by nature.
This site would be good to capture an urban edge to the shots in the woods.

Following the path to the centre, the 'walks' collide. At this point the area has a wooden bridge which may be of interest, and segregated paths. All of these elements would be good for shots that have to last for longer.

As I walked further into the woods I found a great location with high levels of foliage. This location on the edge of sydenham woods and was next to dulwich wood.
I believe this area would be good for the scene where we see Mr White and Mr Pink walking through the woods with shovels; and for the multiple scenes with the girl running away.  I think this area would be good because it gives the feeling of being deep in woods in the middle of nowehere.


Friday, 16 October 2015

Location Recce - The Woods

I conducted a recce at our woods location, Sydenham Hill Woods, and scouted possible locations for our scenes in a woodland area. The woods had a great diversity of scenery and landscapes which will give us huge diversity when filming with the convenience of being in one location.

I took some photos of areas of interest:


Saturday, 10 October 2015

Possible Location - Warehouse

One possible location for the warehouse is the gym at our school. It has the exact look that we are looking for, the brick and pipes along with having a large area so we can move around we ease. It also would be great to film here due to the convenience of it being at the school therefore it would be far easier to sort out our actors getting to school rather than some obscure location. If we do decide to use this location the radiators would be slightly annoying along with making sure nothing else is in shot, chairs etc but these are both problems which can be easily overcome.

The only major problem is that the gym is used for the mock exams, which means that we can't use it after the Christmas holidays as it would be all set up for exams. This means that we would have to film during the early part of the Christmas holidays or before we break up for the holidays, this may not be a problem but we have to be quick to make sure we can film there as currently it's our only option for our warehouse setting


Sunday, 4 October 2015

Location - The Woods

Taking inspiration from the trailer of The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009), we want to include a location in the woods for part of our trailer.
Using Woods for a location would allow for a diverse range of shots to be taken in a primarily earthy tone, contrasting from the stark and dull colours of the city shots.  Furthermore, a strong sense of isolation could be conveyed, giving a eerie and threatening feeling to the shots.  

I particularly like this shot looking up at the character as it makes the viewer feel as if they are inside a hole, being in a confined space emphasised by the closed frame. It also gives the visible character a sense of empowerment, which can reflect their role in the film. We could try to use this style of shot in our own trailer as it would emphasise the threatening characters roles.

This shot is unusual as it is a mid shot of two characters legs. As a spade can be seen, a sense of horror is conveyed as it implies that they are either hiding or digging something up. When combined with the location of the woods the effect is quite terrifying. In our own trailer it would be nice for them to be dragging the 'tool' along the floor, and including a soundbite of the disconcerting sound. 

The shot above was a tracking shot at walking pace, in which a tree a one point blocked the view.  This style of shot appears very visually beautiful on camera as you follow the characters rather than remaining still with the landscape. This makes the audience feel as if they are involved in the scene, creating a furthermore immersive feel.  Great depth is also created in this scene as perspective is captured in the layers of trees, both in front and behind the mobile characters.

We were looking for a wood location that was similar to that of Alice Creed, that would therefor allow us to film scenes such as a chase within a strong backdrop.  
Sydenham Hill woods seems like an ideal location. It very near and so transportation would be easy, and from photos I have found of the location it would be perfect for our trailer.

The aerial view of the woods shows how densely packed it is, making it an interesting and complex filming location. The next step would be for us to conduct a recce to the site and search for sites of interest within it to film. Below are some photos of the wood:


Location Recce - The house thats robbed

Here is a possible location, a modern house located on a private road, with an overlooking garden to one side. Surrounding the house is a path, allowing for easy access, and in front of the house lies a small roundabout road, containing trees that might make for a good look out point. The private road itself could come in useful, allowing us to use different angles and specific shots, as the road itself will not be particularly busy. 


Saturday, 3 October 2015

Location Inspiration - The Woods

Much like the Disappearance of Alice Creed, one of our locations would include a forest, as seen in the screen shot below, it could be suggestive of the disposal of a body, by adding a torch and spade.

As for our own location, I search woods and forests in London for inspiration. I came across these night time shots, which could be particularly effective as it allows for great shadows, and contrasting light to be seen through the gaps of the trees. The shadows could also be used for a dramatic shot, while emphasising the chiaroscuro to continue our film noir tone. 


Locations - The Warehouse

Much like in Reservoir Dogs, we want our trailer to include scenes in a warehouse, with a victim tied down to a chair in some sort of interrogative scene.

For our location, we had a quick search of the internet for inspiration. We are hoping to include a warehouse in our trailer, used as the protagonist female character will be taken here and tied up while the antagonists decide what to do with her. 

We want a grungy effect, with dark and messy rooms, surrounded by raw brick walls. There should be small windows to allow minimal light in, allowing for the film noir style we are going for. The examples shown above are what we are aiming for, and will be searching for something very similar to these. 


Friday, 2 October 2015

Main film influences


The films above are our main influences for our own media product. Though they are not all directly influencing us in our plot, the characters and style of the trailers are what we are incorporating as well. The first trailer: The Town, as been a massive influence in our plot and locations, using the urban environment of London that we are surrounded by. In the trailer, there is also the Investigator, with the interview at the start of the trailer, which is what we will be incorporating into ours.


In the Disappearance of Alice Creed, the trailer gives us multiple influences, those including locations. The use of small dark rooms and the wood, about half way through the trailer are styles of locations we will include in out trailer. The wood is suggestive of disposal of bodies, and so will be what we will incorporate for this exact reason. The plot is also similar, as we too will include scenes of a kidnapping of a female character, so we will look to use similar shots and scenes.

From 7 Minutes, we will also be using part of the plot, as well as the main character (Sam) played by Luke Mitchel. The idea of 'never go in with someone who has more to lose than you do' will be incorporated into our film, and the idea of the young guy, who has the family, being the vulnerable one in the group. As for Luke Mitchel himself, we will use his youth, and hesitant character to develop our own, as well as being incorporated from other similar characters from other films.


From Reservoir Dogs, we will use the basic style, which seems natural in the sense that there is no over the top pyro technics, camera shots, chase scenes or shootouts. We like the idea of characters with names, dressed in suits, and so this is something we will use. The location in the warehouse, that where the torture scene commences inspired us to use a similar location, that which we are currently in search of. Mr Pink is inspiration for our middle aged psychotic character, while Mr white is the basis for our wiser and older character.


We like the postmodern film noir style of Nightcrawler, and so we are looking to incorporate the same style and tone as this. Along side this, the extensive use of night time will be what we will copy, allowing for huge sections of chiaroscuro to be present.

Although the Dark Knight clip is not a trailer, we really enjoyed the opening, with its fast pace soundtrack, and mix between sections of comedy and violence. The masks are appropriate, and the camera work is what we liked most. The overall feel of the heist is something we want to recreate in the form of a house robbery.


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Psychopath Character - Influences and Ideas

Every film of this genre has a character who is the 'crazy' one ie the one that goes off the script and does something insane/stupid. Our character would be the one who would be supporting the idea of killing the girl. We should aim to have the actor be quite rough and look slightly strange however this may prove to be quite challenging.

As Reservoir Dogs is a primary source of influence for us the character in this scenario is Mr Blond, played by Michael Madson. Mr Blond is the crazy character who starts shooting people in the shop and kidnaps a police officer. He is also the one who tortures him, as we are aiming to have our film a 15 we wouldn't quite go to the extent of torture and instead would just have the girl tied up. You don't quite get a distinctive psychopathic feel when you immediately see Mr Blond however when you actually see how he acts you certainly get the feeling that he's crazy. This shows us that it's not essential to have the crazy character look crazy its more how he acts.

Ezra Miller is an actor who has played a psychopathic character in 'We need to Talk About Kevin' in this film he plays an unhinged teenager who has been sent to prison after committing a massacre at his school. Our character most likely wouldn't be quite that psychopathic and instead be more like Mr Blonde who has his moments of madness. Ezra Millar is a good actor to look it however as ideally this character will have to be slightly older, mid 20s but that may not be possible and therefore we would need an actor who would be our age but look slightly older, therefore this film could be used as inspiration for an actor. The actor most likely wouldn't have to brilliant as he wouldn't have that dialogue and instead would have a lot of shots during the montage as he would be at the centre of the conflict. 

De Niro in Taxi Driver is another unhinged character who we should definitely take influence from. Being an war veteran he is proficient with weapons, which our character should have. De Niro in this film is also a similar age to the character which we are looking for and has a similar look to the one that I am imagining, a strong and tough looking male.


Character - Police Detective

Jon Hamm plays the detective / police officer in the Tow, a film that has been a major influence into our own product. The character himself is a middle aged, rough detective, who's driven to send the crew that commit the heist to prison. He is ruthless, yet charming, being aggressive and forceful when it comes down to the dirty work itself. He takes on the macho role, being tough and fearless. We want our character to be similar, wearing smart clothes consisting of a suit, while having a deep husky voice. He should be well built, and command the scene when present. His visual presence should be short hair, with defined features, but nothing more than what seems like an average man. The clip below reveals a little about his personality, and his driven mind set to send the villains to prison.

James McAvoy plays the detective in welcome to the punch, who takes on a similar role to Jon Hamm, in that he is courages to  pursue the villain, in this case played by Mark Strong. His clothing (at times) is similar, as scene in the second and third picture, he often wears smart clothes including a shirt and tie. This is something we will want our character to be wearing. James McAvoy is younger than Jon Hamm, though we want to find a middle ground between the two ages, so that the detective is of similar ages to some of the men who committed the heist. His character is calm and collected, but throughout the film is seen to, at moments, lose control in his eager attempts to capture Mark Strong.